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What Is Humidity Control And What Are The Benefits?

//What Is Humidity Control And What Are The Benefits?

What Is Humidity Control And What Are The Benefits?

Recently, we received a question from a prospective customer about the importance of humidity control. This can potentially be a “make it or break it” detail for consumers, so we wanted to provide some insight. To begin, it is important to note that wood always benefits from proper humidity control. What I find fascinating is that this is continually sold as a negative.

Alta Vista Avalon Oak Texture Detail

Since the beginning of time, humankind has controlled indoor environment to our benefit and comfort. Generally, adding humidification to a home is not as costly as some may believe, and the benefits far outweigh the cost.

Humidity Control Benefits

  • Dry air is much more conducive to mites and other bacteria than humidity ranges of between 30 and 55%. Not to mention, homes with low humidity levels (below 30%) have been associated with respiratory distress and illness.
  • Dry air is not as efficient in holding warmth as humidified air – thermal inefficiency will make it feel colder.
  • Without humidification, the environment will find moisture elsewhere. The effect of pulling moisture out of the human body via a dry environment creates a phenomenon that cools the skin and makes it feel 3 to 5 degrees cooler – it generates the same effect as perspiration.
  • Introducing whole-house humidification will lower your energy costs. In many cases being able to set the thermostat at a lower level basically, pays for the upgrade in a few short years. A good plumbing and heating company can provide more information.
  • Humidity control eliminates most static electricity, dry skin, and dry hair.
  • In some cases the cost is less than one thousand dollars to add humidification to existing HVAC equipment – in light of the benefits, it’s worth considering.

Alta Vista Avalon Oak Island Installation

Low Relative Humidity

Yes, wood benefits from humidity control as wood expands with increases in relative humidity and shrinks when humidity drops. A certain amount of that swing is manageable but below 30% it becomes more of an issue. But again humidification provides more benefit to people than just preserving their wood floor. Cabinets, furniture, fabrics, leather, and books all last much longer with humidity control.

Alta Vista Avalon Oak Dining Room Installation

High Relative Humidity

At the other end of the spectrum, with relative humidity above 55% air conditioning removes relative humidity from the air as part of the cooling process, so most people have the equipment they need to remove high humidity in the summer.

Alta Vista Avalon Oak Living Room Installation

Keep in mind that all Vinyl products including Hallmark’s perform best in a 30 to 55% relative humidity environment as well. If you would like more information, check out one of our previous blog posts, Humidity Matters.

For many years, I lived in an area that was dry in both the summer and winter. I know from experience that humidifying our home made a big difference in our comfort and health. Our hardwood flooring also performed better for it. If it were me, I would make this adjustment and install your dream hardwood floor.

About the author

Ron Oliver is the Technical Services Director at Hallmark Floors. He has 35 years of experience in the flooring industry, is an avid woodworker and a serious houndaholic. Ron always strives to be the kind of person that his dogs think he is.

Photo details

Photos were sent in by a happy homeowner in Vancouver, Washington! The floors are Avalon Oak from our Alta Vista Collection – purchased through Contract Furnishings Mart.

2018-06-19T11:31:58-07:00March 20th, 2017|Categories: Educational|