I am very pleased with the floors and have already recommended them. They came highly recommended to me by my brother actually (www.demarcoflooring.com) - ironically he was too busy to help me install them, but following your directions and taking my time I believe I did a pretty good job, and am very pleased with [...]
Silverado Rum installation in Hamlin New York
Bianca Ruddy2017-01-23T09:17:57-08:00I am very pleased with the floors and have already recommended them. They came highly recommended to me by my brother actually (www.demarcoflooring.com) - ironically he was too busy to help me install them, but following your directions and taking my time I believe I did a pretty good job, and am very pleased with [...]
Silverado Rum installation in Hamlin NY
Bianca Ruddy2017-01-23T09:16:41-08:00I am very pleased with the floors and have already recommended them. They came highly recommended to me by my brother actually (www.demarcoflooring.com) - ironically he was too busy to help me install them, but following your directions and taking my time I believe I did a pretty good job, and am very pleased with [...]
Silverado Rum installation in Ballwin MO
Bianca Ruddy2016-11-08T15:40:52-08:00Silverado Rum installation in Ballwin MO. Hallmark Floors
Silverado Rum home installation
Bianca Ruddy2015-08-18T11:19:50-07:00Silverado Rum home installation.